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:AC #114: Our Memories



A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever. The most beautiful memories are the ones which are shared together.

This is my entry for anthrochallenge
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This picture(s) was a real challenge I have to say. I've never drawn children, so I hope they look like ones X) Also I think these are one of the best (and most complicated) backgrounds I've ever drawn. (also that wood in first picture, it was real pain, just as the clouds on Earth).

The pictures on the wall in the first drawing are our childhood drawings and also screenshots from game Impressive Title.
 memories in memories, memoriesception!

This picture is also dedicated to my best friend xWaterx (on the right)

She is 18 years old today, so it means we both aren't children anymore but we have many memories which will last forever and will be only ours.
We are friends for 9 years, so we have many of them.
True friends are really hard to find, but I'm really glad I met you. I remember that when you moved with your family next to my house I didn't wanted to be friend with you, because I had another friend from our neighborhood. But one winter everything changed. My "friend" stopped going outside playing with me and then you came. We had so much in common, I couldn't believe it that there could be person who was the same fool as me. Many people confused us as sisters. We never left each other, because you believe in me and I believe in you. We built many beautiful memories through time. And that's what true friendship is about.

Thank you and Happy Birthday!


Slovak version
(pretože viem, že tebe sa to nebude chcieť prekladať XD)

Tak, dnes už máš 18, takže to znamená, že už nie sme deti, ale máme veľa spomienok, ktoré tu budú navždy.
Už sme kamarátky 9 rokov, takže ich máme dosť veľa.
Ozajstní priatelia sa hľadajú ťažko, ale ja som naozaj rada, že som stretla práve teba. Pamätám si, keď ste sa prisťahovali a ja som sa s tebou nechcela kamarátiť, preťože som mala inú kamarátku (Noru). Ale jednu zimu sa to všetko zmenilo. Moja "kamarátka" sa so mnou prestala hrať a potom si prišla ty. Mali sme toho veľa spoločného, nemohla som ani uveriť, že by mohol existovať niekto, kto by bol taký istý blázon. Veľa ľudí si myslelo, že sme sestry. Stále sme boli spolu, pretože si veríme. Máme strašne veľa úžasných spomienok. A to je to, o čom naozajstné kamarátstvo je.

Ďakujem a všetko najlepšie!


this is the longest descpription I've ever wrote wow
Image size
4900x6700px 13.02 MB
© 2014 - 2024 anty-art
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shawnricks851's avatar
Looks amazing, Antares/her friend in a cool before & after setting is so beautiful on the best childhood memoriesLove Heart Heart Boogie!Amy Rose Eye Sparkle Icon, cool seeing Young Antares so cute, love the cute pic.